Career Center

How Diversity and Inclusion Can Improve Workplace Performance

A diverse and inclusive workplace is one that encourages everyone, regardless of their background or role, to feel equally involved and supported in all aspects of their work. Especially important is the part about "all areas.".

In the workplace, diversity means bringing fresh perspectives and backgrounds to your work environment.


The key to inclusion is ensuring that everyone feels involved, valued, respected, treated fairly, and integrated into your culture. Inclusive companies empower their employees and recognize their special talents.

1. Develop a business strategy that focuses on diversity and inclusion

Human diversity includes all the characteristics that make individuals different from one another, but most of us subconsciously define diversity by social categories, such as gender, race, age, etc.

Diversity and inclusion strategies should not be limited to just attracting and retaining diverse employees. Without adequate support after the hiring process, your employees will eventually leave.

The best way to promote diversity and inclusion in your business is to incorporate them into your core business strategy. The goal is to ensure that diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of all organisational activities. This can be done in a number of ways, such as:

Diversification and representation of employees at all levels

All-gender restrooms

Working moms can use a nursing lounge

Allowing employees to de-stress and disconnect through meditation and recreation

The use of gender neutral pronouns such as "they" in official documents and policies

2. Accountability of high-ranking executives

Taking formal accountability for diversity and inclusion outcomes is one of the best ways to encourage top-down participation and awareness. 

Hiring and promotion outcomes can contribute to diversity results, for instance. It is possible to achieve inclusion results through daily practices such as employee engagement and psychological safety.

Reports can be assigned weekly, monthly, or quarterly to keep track of everyone's progress. Decide how each leader will reinforce the good outcomes and rectify the poor ones after assessing the outcomes. In addition, make sure they do this as part of their jobs and not as something they do on their own time.

3. Improve your processes by minimizing implicit bias

It has been well documented for decades that HR leaders and managers often possess implicit biases, which can hinder the process of recruiting a diverse workforce.

HR leaders and managers frequently have implicit biases, which can impede a diverse workforce recruitment process, and this has been documented for decades

You should ensure your recruiting process is not limited to a small pool of talent, and you need to review your promotion requirements to confirm that positions are open to all employees.

4. Respect and acknowledge cultural and religious differences

It is an excellent way to demonstrate to a global remote workforce that the company values diversity and inclusion.

The first step is to acknowledge and celebrate the different holidays and celebrations of different cultures and countries world wide. Holiday celebrations can also be non-denominational and non-alcoholic beverages can be provided for those who do not wish to or cannot drink alcohol.

People with dietary restrictions should also have access to a special menu.The same approach can be used to have gluten-free, vegan, Kosher, and Halal exclusive fridges and pantries.

5. Think “culture add” instead of “culture fit”.

“Making employees conform or adapt to the norms of the organization is what culture fit is all about. In some organizations, employees are encouraged to speak only one language at all times - even during lunch - even if the language is different from their mother tongue.

“ Cultural add” refers to an organization's willingness to embrace employees with different backgrounds and demographics.
Culture add can be practiced in the following ways:

Employees should be allowed to speak their mother tongue whenever possible

Having translators at company events and speeches to ensure employees understand and feel included

Employing and promoting multi-generational talent

6. Pay raises should be transparent

Companies can sometimes get away with discriminating in pay and pay increases on the basis of gender, race, and ethnicity due to a lack of transparency.

These kinds of mistreatment are most prevalent among women of colour, and they can negatively affect their financial and mental well-being.

Track your employees' salaries and performance, and determine whether gender, race, or ethnicity affects them. Make sure you are transparent about your findings and open to discussions about any pay inequality you may uncover.

7. Measuring and communicating Diversity & Inclusive goals is the first step

It's great to develop strategies and execute them, but they won't mean anything if you can't improve upon them.

You can use employee surveys to measure D&I goals and formulate statements that reflect diversity and inclusion practices and have participants agree or disagree along a rating scale.

The study should also be overseen and audited by a third party to remove any possible bias. Always keep in mind that only by continuously evaluating, reviewing, and improving your organization's policies and practices will you demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

