2 to 10 Year(s)
5 years Management of large projects10 years Buffer Pool Tuning10 years Database Tuning and Maintenance to assure highest level of system availability and performance10 years IBM DB2 Utilities or CDB DB2 Utilities10 years Implement Database Objects and Files needed by Database Applications10 years Provide Multi Environment Database Support10 years Data Warehouse - Performance tuning10 years DB210 years Implement Database Archive and Recovery Strategies5 years Move for DB210 years Physical database design10 years Stored procedures and triggers5 years IBM DB2 Utilities2 years DB2 Application - DBA for a very large complex Child Support System supporting hundreds of tables in at least 5 environmentsDB2 Application - DBA for a very large complex system supporting hundreds of tables in at least 5 environments10 years Implement and enforce security requirements